             Using the Lucida Bright text fonts with LaTeX
                                                        Walter Schmidt

NFSS classification

family   series      shape(s)       FontName(s)                            
hlh      m, b        n, it, sl, sc  LucidaBright, 
hlhj     m           n, it, sc      LucidaBright, 
         b           n, sc          LucidaBright-Italic,
hls      m, b, ub(*) n, it          LucidaSans, LucidaSans-Italic,
hlct(*)  m, b        n, sl          LucidaTypewriter,
hlst     m, b        n, sl          LucidaSans-Typewriter,
hlx(*)   m, b        n, it          LucidaFax,LucidaFax-Italic,
                                    LucidaFax-Demi, LucidaFax-Italic
hlce(*)  m           it             LucidaCalligraphy-Italic
hlcn(*)  m           n, it          LucidaCasual,
hlcw(*)  m           it             LucidaHandwriting-Italic
hlcf(*)  m           n              LucidaBlackletter

Available encodings are T1 (Cork), TS1 (text companion) and LY1
(TeXnANSI).  As an exception, the font famiily hlhj is _not_ available
with LY1 encoding.

Usage notes

* The obsolete OT1 font encoding, which is still the default with
LaTeX, is _not_ supported.  Thus, you must switch to T1/TS1 or LY1
encoding before using the Lucida Bright fonts.

* On the Y&Y-TeX system you can use the Lucida fonts only with the LY1
encoding, because T1/TS1 is based upon virtual fonts, which are not
supported by Y&Y-TeX.  On other TeX systems, T1/TS1 should be 

* The Lucida fonts do not include all symbols of the TS1 (text
companion) font encoding:  Only those symbols are available that
belong to the ISO-Adobe 1 character set, plus the Omega and the Euro.

* The regular, italic and demibold cuts of the font family hlh (Lucida
Bright) come with oldstyle figures that can be used through
textcomp.sty and the command \oldstylenums.  This requires, however,
the following additional command, which must be issued _after_ loading
of the textcomp package:

Rationale:  By default, the textcomp package disables the use of
oldstyle numbers in the family hlh, because they are not available 
with _all_ fonts of the family.

* The font family hlhj has oldstyle figures in the T1 character set, 
i.e. OsF constitutes the default here.

* When using LY1 encoding, the Euro symbol is _not_ available in the
font families and shapes marked with an asterisk in the above table.

* The fd files provide an interface to scale the Lucida fonts.  If a
macro named \DeclareLucidaFontShape is defined, the fd files will
evaluate it.  For instance, to use the fonts at 90%, you need to
define the macro as follows:

Make sure to define the macro before using the fonts for the first
time!  When using a ready-made macro packages such as lucidabr or 
lucimatx, the package will take care of the scaling.

* All demibold fonts are assigned to series `b'.  The two sans serif
bold fonts are assigned to `ub' (ultra bold).  This means that with
the exception of the sans bold fonts _all_ fonts in the Lucida Bright
font set are available using normal `user level' commands such as
\bfseries, \sffamily etc.  To access the bold sans serif use

* The blackletter font is primarily intended to be used in math.  When
used as a text font with T1 or LY1 encoding, no "long s" will be
available, and there are many accented letters which don't make much
sense with this typeface.

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